- September 2, 2022
- in House Cleaning
- by Magic Assistants
- 3831
- 2
We’re so excited to announce a recent notice we received informing us that we’ve been named the best cleaning service by Industry Oversight in Buffalo, NY check it out! https://industryoversight.com/company/magic-assistants-7165796659_cheektowaga/ Read more
https://threebestrated.com/house-cleaning-services-in-buffalo-ny We are very humbled and honored to have received notice from ThreeBestRated.com informing us that we have been selected as 1 of the Top 3 House Cleaning Services of Buffalo, NY. Thank you so much it truly means a lot of us to know that our hard work and dedication to ensuring… Read more
7 Easy Ways to Clean Your House Housekeeping can be very tiring and time-consuming if not done with proper planning. One has to invest ample time to get rid of the mess in a house. Your home is like an oasis, and you would want it to be like that even when you come Read more
Wedding Bliss This adorable couple left a review for us on google that we just found as adorable as them so we thought we would share. Magic Assistants truly enjoys assisting our clients and tackling challenges that set us apart of others. Below are the kind words left by the adorable newlyweds that we had Read more